5-year Old Cancer Patient Needs Paper Airplanes

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Five-year old Hunter is a kindergartner from Fillmore, New York. In January of this year, he was diagnosed with Burkett's lymphoma, a rare form of cancer that spreads quickly. As he undergoes treatment at a children's hospital in Buffalo, NY, he has one wish - to collect as many paper planes as he can so that he can be in the Guinness Book of Records as the boy with the most number of paper planes received.

The idea came to his aunt as a way to take Hunter's mind off his illness and find him something to look forward to. Since it was publicized in mid-February, Hunter has received thousands of paper planes from all over the world. The Guinness Book of Records is going to consider his entry around the end of this month.

The kind of cancer that Hunter is suffering from is very rare, affecting about 300 children, between the ages of 2 -11 every year. It does however spread really rapidly - when Hunter went into the hospital on January 25th this year, his tumor was the size of a tennis ball - by the following week it had grown to the size of a cantaloupe. However things are going well now. His treatment has been successful and there is a strong chance that he will beat the cancer.

If any of you are interested in helping this young brave boy achieve his dream, all you need to do is make one (or more paper planes), write your state and country on the wing and send them to:

Hunter Winship,

The Airplane Cancer Goal

11227 North Hill Road

Freedom, NY 14065, USA

Below find a video about Hunter's quest.

Let's all try realize this brave young boy's dream!

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  • adroit_avimimus
    adroit_avimimusover 2 years
    This is so heartbreaking. . I hope he's doing okay now, 14 years later. . That must be terrible! :C
    • ashdog3131
      ashdog3131over 3 years
      I totally love helping other people I mailed a plan there and I hope he likes it every boy and girl deserves lifting and their spirits
      • chrizs
        chrizsover 3 years
        i feel bad for this kid i hope his dream come true
        • jazmine2008
          jazmine2008over 3 years
          omg just looking at it makes me cry a littleπŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯😭😭😭
          • x_goddess_x
            x_goddess_xover 3 years
            • kvickers
              kvickersover 5 years
              Sad!I promise I cried when I watched the video!😒
              • chlooe
                chlooeover 5 years
                This is so cute... 😭😭
                • applemango
                  applemangoover 5 years
                  I feel so sorry for him! I'm going to make a paper airplane right now...
                  • foals
                    foalsover 5 years
                    Why have I never thought of getting in the worlds guinness world records for just making a bunch of paper airplanes.
                    • ella101over 5 years
                      so sweet!!!