A Cool Piece of Art Links London and New York City

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Want to say hello to friends, family or even strangers who live in London, England without flying over. If you live in New York City, this is now possible, thanks to the Telectroscope, a 37 by 11 ft. device that allows people to see each other across the Atlantic.

The piece of art, which will be open until June 15th, is the brainchild of British artist, Paul St. George. To create some excitement behind the project, Paul has concocted a myth about how he was inspired to do it after finding some finding some drawings created by his great-grandfather, in the 19th century. According to Paul, his great-grandfather had a vision to connect the two cities by digging a tunnel under the Atlantic Ocean.

Of course now that we are in the 21st Century, Paul's 'tunnel' is a little more hi-tech. He and a company called Artichoke have set up a trans-Atlantic broadband Internet connection. This together with the latest satellite technology and some High Definition cameras - and voila a virtual 'tunnel' that connects the two cities was born.

The Telectroscope, located near the Tower Bridge (London) and Brooklyn Bridge (New York), costs about $2 U.S. Dollars from London but is free from New York.

When it first opened yesterday, people on both sides were not sure if it was for real or a taping of "Candid Camera". However, now they are getting more comfortable and have started communicating with total strangers by pressing written notes on the glass or just blowing kisses.

The organizers are helping plan family reunions, twin school meetings and are hoping that their may even be a couple trans-Atlantic marriage proposals before it all shuts down on June 15th! To read more about the artist and his story go to www.tiscali.co.uk/telectroscope/.

Sources:CNN.com, DailyMail,Telegraph.co.uk

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