Video of The Week - Are Zebras Just Donkeys With Stripes?

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Are zebras simply donkeys with stripes? The Mara Land Zoo on Gaza strip near Israel certainly seems to think so - For they have painted two of their donkeys with stripes and so far, visitors seem to be loving them.

The idea came to the zookeeper after he lost both his zebras and couldn't afford to pay the hefty $15,000 USD it would cost him to get a new one. Instead, he decided to paint his two female donkeys with the help of some masking tape and french dye, applied using a paint brush. Check out the video and see what you think of these donkey turned zebras!


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  • bridgette over 12 years
    I feel bad for the poor donkey. :( And those kids better stopping hitting the donkeys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    • kallenover 12 years
      I feel bad for the donkeys (zebras)
      • Jenaya ;Palmost 13 years
        Zebra's are bigger.... I think. But why are they hitting him?
        • dfgjkuiugujolover 13 years
          poor donkey!!!!!!!!
          • dfgjkuiugujolover 13 years
            so not cool!!!!!!!!
            • fbfdmnbmn over 13 years
              ooh interesting
              • Ashleyover 13 years
                • hhsabout 14 years
                  • vernover 14 years
                    • vfover 14 years
                      not cool enogh