America's 'Mom-In-Chief' Hula Hoops For Health . . . . . . And Fun!

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The First Lady of the USA is a woman of many talents - She is smart, dresses snazzy, is an amazing wife and mother, and . . . . . . can also Hula Hoop!

Mrs. Obama demonstrated her athletic prowess with an impressive 142 swivels in one go, amidst 100 school children and their parents at a 'Healthy Kids' Fair, that she hosted on the South Lawn of the White House, on October 21st, 2009.

The fair was held by the First Lady to convey to kids the importance of keeping healthy with exercise and eating the right foods.

While she did stress on eating 'healthy' fruits and vegetables, she also emphasized that it was okay to eat 'junk' food as long as it is not the only food consumed.

The 'Mom-in Chief' confessed to the audience that her most favorite food in the whole wide world was french fries and yes she still eats them every once in a while

She also asked kids be active in the evenings and on weekends, instead of settling down in front of the television.

Her daughters, Malia and Sasha, apparently never get to watch television during school days, and only a few hours during the weekends.

Instead, they are encouraged to be active, even if that means jumping over each other!

After a fun-filled active morning, the guests were treated to some 'healthy' snacks prepared by the White House chefs.

Some of the tasty choices included, popcorn with peanuts and parmesan cheese, baked apples, and cheese & zucchini quesadillas.

Just in case you are wondering, the first lady also tried her hand at 'Double Dutch' rope jumping - but quickly moved on, when she found it too difficult. She did however, whiz through the obstacle course and hurdles in no time at all!

We for one only have one question for the First Lady - How can we (and our readers) be invited to these fun events that are always going on at the White House? If any of you have any ideas, be sure to let us know by adding your comments below.


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  • girlover 13 years
    the first lady seems to want to be very healthy
    • Jessica:)over 13 years
      I agree Luis she is in tip top shape
      • Jessica:)over 13 years
        The First Lady of the USA is a woman of many talents - She is smart, dresses snazzy, is an amazing wife and mother, and . . . . . . can also Hula Hoop! Mrs. Obama demonstrated her athletic prowess with an impressive 142 swivels in one go. whay she That was cool what she did.
        • LUIS J.over 13 years
          I agree Johanna she is in tip top shape HAHA I'm in miss.Laurei's like you.
          • Johannaover 13 years
            Michelle Obama is in tip top shape right!
            • codyover 14 years
              • green duedover 14 years
                shes awesom
                • Blondieover 14 years
                  She is soo sweet!
                  • poofacealmost 15 years
                    that is really nice of her
                    • The Slopperalmost 15 years
                      Wow that looks so fun i want to go to the WHITE HOUSE!!!!!