Explore The World - Without Getting Off The Couch!

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Always fantasized about going to Africa for a Safari or browsing around the ruins of Pompeii ? If researchers at York and Warwick Universities in the United Kingdom are successful, you will be able to do all this and more - without ever leaving the comfort of your home.

The researchers unveiled their first prototype of the Virtual Cocoon helmet, earlier this week, at Pioneers 2009, an event organized by Britain's Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council.

Unlike existing virtual helmets, that allow users to experience just the sound and vision, this one is being designed to the emulate sounds, smells, taste and even sensations - basically allowing users to feel as though they are really at the location they are supposed to be visiting. The helmet will be equipped with an HD quality video display system and an amazing surround sound system, that will substantially improve the images and sounds, to what is currently available.

A hospital-like tube that runs under the nose will provide the authentic smells, while an in- mouth device will add the texture. Users will be able to control the humidity and temperatures inside the helmet to suit their comfort.

The researchers believe that the helmet, expected to be ready for commercial use in five years, will be a great tool for classrooms, business people, as well as, video game developers. It could also be a great way to train soldiers, policeman and firemen. Sounds like a cool gizmo, doesn't it?

Sources: fastcompany.com, Dailymail.co.uk

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